Easier Hand Rolled Parsers
Creating a simple parser in 3 easy lessons
Using PCK to create grammars, parsers and tokenizers for C# and other .NET languages
A parser generator and unification system for different parsing tools
Using PCK's grammar system, and understanding the concepts behind it
Quickly and easily build parsers and tokenizers using Pck's editor
Code for parsing, querying, and emitting JSON or a JSON superset
A simple home HTTP server that works across all .NET platforms
Easily and efficiently query api.themoviedb.org/3/ using this wrapper
How to process large JSON data using a streaming reader
Revisiting our WiFi enabled smart clock project with more modern hardware
Streaming your data and parsing on the go with tiny gadgets
Stream JSON efficiently on little devices with minimal flash and memory usage
Use JsonPath, and builtin RPC support to easily communicate with all the JSON / REST services out there, or otherwise manipulate JSON with this little library.
A walkthrough of building a JSON based transparent caching entity framework with branch reuse that intelligently minimizes the amount of server requests, against the use case scenario of accessing TMDb's API